Award & Achievement

Dr Raghweer singh consultant Orthopeadic Surgeon Panipat Haryana
Dr Gursimrat Chema consultant Orthopeadic Surgeon Rudrapur Uttarakhand
Dr Rohit Agrawal consulted Orthopeadics and Trauma Surgeon Barabanki
Prof Raj Shekheren Director Ganga Hospital Coimbatore
Professor Vrisha Madhuri D.Orth,MS Orth, M.CH Orth. Pediatric Orthopeadic surgeon CMC Vellore Tamilnadu
Conferences / Workshops / Seminars / Awards
  1. Certificate of participated in MODEL competition and was awarded SECOND PRIZE for efforts on topics FASCIAL VESSELS NERVES HELD ON 5TH-7TH SEPTEMBER 1994 , B.R.D. Medical College Gorakhpur U.P.
  2. Certificate of participation in CHART competition for effort on topic MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF LYMPH NODES held on 2nd & 3rd September 1994 at B.R.D. Medical College GORAKHPUR U.P.
  3. Certificate of Appreciation from Impact India Foundation (An International Initiative against Avoidable Disablement) for rendering Voluntary Services to “The Lifeline Express” Government of India (Feb. to March, 1988). At GORAKHPUR railway station U.P.INDIA
  4. Poster presentation on “Polytrauma” in 25th Annual Conference of U.P. Chapter Indian Orthopedics Association (UPCON 2001) LUCKNOW U.P.
  5. Certificate of attendance of 25th Annual Conference of U.P. Chapter Indian Orthopedics Association (UPCON 2001) held on 10 -11 Feb 2001 LUCKNOW U.P.
  6. Workshop Attendance on “Closed Intramedullary Interlocked Nailing Of Fracture Shaft Femur” (April 7, 2002) J.N. Medical College, Aligarh, U.P.
  7. Workshop attendance on ‘Interlocking Humerus’ in Pre-conference Workshop of 27th Annual Conference of U.P. Chapter Indian Orthopedics Association (UPCON 2003) AGARA U.P.
  8. Participation in Prof. T.P. Srivastava Memorial Lecture &Foot Conference (FOOTCON 2003) (Live Demonstration / Workshop /Lectures) on 15 & 16th Nov. 2003 BHU, Varanasi.
  9. Participation in the 3rd Annual Conference of the National Association of Interlocking Surgeons (Including Live Demonstration and Workshop) NAILSCON 2003 held on 8-9 March 2003 BHU, Varanasi.
  10. Certificate of Attendance and Participation in Symposium and Workshop On SPONDYLOLISTHESIS held on3rd Oct 2004. Institute of Medical sciences, B.H.U. VARANASI U.P.
  11. Participation in Prof. T.P. Srivastava Memorial Lecture and Symposium On “Fracture around Knee and Ankle” held on 28 Nov. 2004. Institute of Medical sciences, Department of Orthopedics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U.P.
  12. Certificate of participated in the preconference, hands on Workshop on Total Knee Replacement in XXIX Annual Conference U.P. Chapter I.O.A. (UPCON 2005), 4-6 Feb 2005.U.P.
  13. Certificate of Participation in XXIX Annual Conference U.P. Chapter OF I.O.A.(UPOCON 2005) Jhansi. 4-6 Feb 2005 U.P.
  14. Certificate of participated in the preconference, hands on Workshop on “SPINAL FIXATION & P.I.V.D” in30th Annual Conference of U.P. Chapter of IOA (UPORTHOCON 2006) VARANASI U.P
  15. Certificate of attendance and participation of inaugural Musculoskeletal Infection Conference of Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association, Aug 25 to 27, 2006 Khajuraho INDIA
  16. Certificate of Participation in 31 Annual Conference U.P. Chapter I.O.A., (UPORTHOCON 2007) Muzaffarnagar 16 17 &18 Feb2007 U.P.
  1. Workshop attendance on ‘locking compression plating’ in Pre-conference Workshop at 31 Annual Conference U.P. Chapter I.O.A., (UPCON 2007), held at Muzaffarnagar on 16th FEB.
  2. Workshop attendance on “Pediatric Fracture Fixation” in Pre- Conference workshop on 52nd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2007) held at KOLKATA.on3rd Dec 2007 INDIA
  3. Certificate of Participation in 52nd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2007) held at KOLKATA.on5th -8th Dec 2007 INDIA
  4. Certificate of Participation in 32 Annual Conference U.P. Chapter Of I.O.A. (UPOCON 2008) held at J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh on 1-3 Feb 2008 U.P. INDIA
  5. Certificate of participated in the preconference, hands on Workshop on “SPINAL INSTRUMENTATION” in32 Annual Conference of U.P. Chapter of IOA (UPORTHOCON 2008) held at J.N. Medical College, A.M.U. Aligarh on 1ST Feb 2008 U.P. INDIA
  6. Participation in the pre-conference workshop on “SHOULDER REPLACMENT & SHOULDER COURSE’ held on 2-3 December 53rd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2008) BENGALURU INDIA
  7. Certificate of Participation in 53rd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic association (IOACON 2008) held on 2-7December Palace grounds. BENGALURU INDIA
  8. Participation in the pre-conference workshop on “FLAPS” held on 2- 3 December 53rd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2008) palace grounds BENGALURU INDIA
  9. Participation in the pre-conference workshop on “interlocking trochantric Nail and L.R.S.” held on 24-26 April 2009 TRAUMACON 2009 VARANASI
  10. Certificate of Participation as delegate in TRAUMACON 2009 VARANASI Held on 24-26 April 2009 U.P. INDIA
  11. Certificate of attendance of DR. K.D.DHOLAKIA CME during 54th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2009) BHUBANESWAR INDIA Dated; 24th Nov 2009
  12. Certificate of attendance in workshop on BASIC ILLIZAROV during 54th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2009) BHUBANESWAR INDIA Dated 28th Nov 2009
  13. Certificate of attendance of 54th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopedic Association (IOACON 2009) BHUBANESWAR INDIA Dated 24th -27th Nov 2009
  14. Certificate of attendance of Pre Conference workshop on PEADICTRIC ORTHOPEADICS 34th Annual Conference of U.P.Orthopedic Association (UPOTHOCON-2010) held on 19th Feb. 2010 at ALLAHABAD U.P.
  15. Certificate of attendance of 34th Annual Conference of U.P. Orthopedic Association (UPOTHOCON-2010) held on 19th to 21th Feb. 2010 at ALLAHABAD U.P.
  16. Certificate of participation in UPSELSICON 2010 live operative WORKSHOP Cum CME on 2nd May 2010 SULTANPUR U.P.
  1. Certificate of participation in ORGANICON2010 held in Lucknow, INDIA on 14th November 2010
  2. Certificate of attendance of DR K.T. DHOLIKIA CME on in 55th ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIAN ORTHOPEADICS ASSOCIATION (IOACON 2010) Held on 9th Dec.2010 at JAIPUR INDIA
  3. Certificate of participation in 55th ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDAN ORTHOPEADICS ASSOCIATION (IOACON 2010) held on 9th to14thDec.2010 at JAIPUR INDIA
  4. Certificate of participation of 6th Annual Medical Conference (CONFLUENCE 2011) Hindalco Hospital RENUKOOT on 27th Feb. 2011
  5. Certificate of attendance of hands on workshop & conference of CENTRAL ZONE OF INDIAN ORTHOPEADICS (CEZCON 2011) held on 26tH- 28thAugust 2011 VARANASI U.P. INDIA
  6. Certificate of participation of 12th Annual Conference of National Association of Interlocking Surgeons (NAILSCON 2012) at UDAIPUR Rajasthan from 21th- 23rd september
  9. Certificate of attendance of 37th ANNUAL CONFERANCE OF U.P. ORTHOPEADIC ASSOCIATION (UPORTHCON2013) to held on 22nd-24th Feb. 2013 ALIGARH U.P.
  10. Certificate of attendance of pre conference workshop on BASIC KNEE ARTHOPLASTY/TRAUMA ARONND KNEE at 37th ANNUAL CONFERANCE OF U.P.ORTHOPEADIC ASSOCIATION (UPORTHCON2013) to held on 22nd24th Feb. 2013 ALIGARH U.P. (UPORTHCON 2013)
  11. Certificate of participation of 13th Annual Conference of Interlocking Surgeons (NAILSCON2013) held in NAGPUR INDIA from 24th-26th October 2013.
  12. Certificate of attendance of 38th ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF U.P. ORTHOPEADIC ASSOCIATION (UPORTHCON2014) to held on 07th-9th 2014 JIM CORTBET national park ramnagar U.T
  13. Certificate of participation of ORTHOTRENDS 2014 (RECENT TRENDS IN ORTHOPEADICS) conference to be held on 8th -9th MARCH 2014 karnawati club AHMEDABAD INDIA
  14. Certificate of attendance of 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIA ARTHOSCOPY SOCIETY held in PATTAYA, THAILAND 2-4th October 2015
  15. Certificate of participation of 15th Annual Conference of Interlocking Surgeons (NAILSCON 2015) held in KAZIRANGA ASSAM INDIA from 05-07 NOVEMBER 2015
  16. Certificate of participation of 22nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PAEDIATRIC ORTOPEADIC SOCIETY OF INDIA and 6th POSI-POSNA WORKSHOP held on 7-9th Jan 2016 BANGALORE INDIA.
  17. Certificate of participation of RIMACON 2016 (IMA RAEBARELI) held on 12TH MARCH2016 RAEBARELI U.P. INDIA
  18. Certificate of participation of 16th Annual Conference of Interlocking Surgeons (NAILSCON 2016) held in SOLAPUR MAHARASTRA INDIA from 30TH SEPT to 3rd October 2016.
  1. Certificate of participation in 22nd ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF PEDIATRIC SOCIETY OF INDIA & 6th POSI-POSNA WORKSHOP held on 7-9th January 2016, Bangalore by Karnataka Medical Council, Bangalore (Continuing Medical Education Certificate, Six credit hours) POSICON2016.
  2. Certificate of participation in NAILSCON 2016 (16th Annual Conference of National Association of Interlocking Surgeons) held at SHOLAPUR from 30thsept -2nd October 2016 Maharastra Medical Council, four credit hours.
  3. Certificate of attendance for participation in the 5th TRAUMA CONCLAVE 2018 AAOS[American Academy of Orthopedics Surgeon] July22-23 2018 New Delhi INDIA.
  4. Certificate of attendance for participation in the 6th TRAUMA CONCLAVE 2019 AAOS[American Academy of Orthopedics Surgeon] 14-15 June 2019 New Delhi INDIA.
  5. Certificate of completion of 5th GANGA OPERATIVE TRAUMA COURSE 2018 held from June22-24th 2018 at Ganga Hospital Coimbatore INDIA.
  6. Certificate of completion of the educational activity in the online Continuing Medical Education activity titled GENERAL PRACTICE SPECIALIST ON LINE PROGRAM on PAIN November 2016 to February 2017 by American School for Continuing Medical Education (Certificate No AS/DR/OL/P-0093).
  7. Certificate of compilation of the AAOS [American Academy of Orthopedics Surgeon] CME Program 2018 PRE ARTHRITIC HIP PAIN in the YOUNG ADULT.